Campaign Manager - Campaigns

applying seeds to Campaign Designer outputs

All output elements in Campaign Designer have the capability to have Seeds added to their output. Seed records would then be added to the output at point of execution.

Seed values for columns regularly used in an output, are added and grouped into logical Seed Lists within the Seed Admin function. This allows easy management of the Seeds and their list membership, and means that this data is readily available to the marketer within the campaign so does not need to be re-entered or uploaded from an external source.

  • Seed rows are added to the Output but do not get added to Campaign History.
  • Events for Seed records are ignored as they are not true campaign recipients.
  • New Seed rows can only be added in the Admin function.
  • Seed column values from the Seed List rows cannot be edited once in the output element.
  • Seeds can be added during Campaign Test. For email this is done on the Test configuration screen, while with other channels, seeds will be exported if configured to do so.
  • Seeds can be included for the first execution of an output only or for every execution.


How SEED values are added

On each output element slide in, the Add Seeds button is used to assign Seed Lists to a particular output, and to review or add column values for the seeds. The available options are based on the columns being mapped and the data available for those columns. This is defined in the table below.

  • Columns must be defined in the output element before seeds lists can be viewed in the Seeds slide in screen, so that the auto mapping process can take place.

Output Definition Object Seed Data

Output Field assigned to a Database column that exists in Seed Admin

  • Auto-mapped and retrieves values from Seed Admin.
  • Values display as read only.
  • Blank values always output as blanks
  • Seed defined Default value will not over-ride in this case.
Output Field assigned to a Database column that does not exist in Seed Admin
  • Single Default Value can be added here for all Seed rows.
  • Can be left blank and will export as blank.
  • Data will not auto-generate from real column values due to GDPR concerns.
Output Field assigned to a static Text value
  • Column is not displayed in the Seeds screen.
  • All Seeds will receive the static Text value in output.
Output Field assigned to Campaign Variable with Pick List
  • Seed will be assigned a random value from the Pick List.
  • Value is created at run time so table will display text as "Random from choice list"
  • Seed defined Default value will not over-ride in this case.
Output Field assigned to Campaign Variable with no Pick List
  • Single Default Value can be added here for all Seed rows.
  • Can be left blank and will export as blank.
  • Global variable Default value will display if exist.
Output Field assigned to Campaign Variable mapped to an Database column that exists in Seed Admin.
  • Auto-mapped and retrieves values from Seed Admin.
  • Values display as read only.
  • Blank values always output as blanks.
  • Seed defined Default value will not over-ride in this case.
Output Field assigned to Campaign Variable mapped to a Database column that does not exist in Seed Admin.
  • Single Default Value can be added for all Seed rows.
  • Can be left blank and will export as blank.
  • Data will not auto-generate from real column values due to GDPR concerns.
Output Field assigned to Campaign Attribute
  • Columns do not appear in Seed screen
  • Values populated from campaign data where available or blank.



  1. Complete the configuration of the output element slide in with all outfields defined as required.
  2. Select Add Seeds option to view the results of the auto mapping process.
  3. Select the Seed output frequency so decide is seeds are implemented in only the first instance of an output or in all instances.
  4. Select from available Seed Lists in left hand pane to review seed data created as defined in table above.
  5. Add values for empty columns, the option for which are defined in the table above and are dependent on the column mapping.
  6. Click Done to save and close.


  • Multiple Seed List can be selected.
  • Seed rows appearing in multiple lists are only output once.
  • For the frequency option, the number of occurrences is recorded from the start, so if Seeds are not used in the first occurrence, but subsequently added with the First occurrence only option, they will not be output as the first occurrence has passed.
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